Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Taking Stock at 3 Months Old. 4-18-12

Mom took this one up Boop's nose
Here's what's happening at 3 months:
  • Boop has hit another growth spurt. It's wonderful to see her growing and thriving, but at the same time, breastfeeding has become even more difficult. It's hard to hear her cry and get frustrated while I'm nursing her. They are giving her a fair bit of formula at daycare. But if I don't stay on top of nursing and pumping, I'm afraid I won't produce any milk for her. I'm trying to pump 3 times for 30 min. each at work (making just over 4 oz.) and go and get a nursing session in at lunch time. It's a challenge. My friend H from work said that she gave up at 6 months. At the rate I'm going, I hope I can make it that long.
  • The bladder/kidney issue is still tough. We're solidly in the vesicoureteral reflux camp. She's fussy, and I can't tell if she is in pain or hungry. She's saying "Nay" a lot, which means she's uncomfortable. She's also calling for her "Meh-Meh", which is me. She is putting her fist in her mouth, too. She's not doing the "Heh, heh, heh" for hungry or asking for "Mech" (milk) that much. Mom thinks she may be teething, and I'm getting mixed feedback on that hypothesis. She's druling a fair bit, too. I gave her a little tylenol because she was out of sorts and uncomfortable this morning. She calmed down about a half hour later. So, she has pain somewhere; I just need to figure out where and how to fix it. And if it's teething, there's not much I can do, except find a teething ring. However, I may have to hold it for her as she is still working on her muscle coordination.
  • My skin is really dry, and my hair is starting to fall out. Boy, I'm a sight. I'm trying to stay well hydrated, and that helps my skin to some extent. I don't have much time to keep up with lotion or moisturizer. And the hair, well it was good while it lasted. It lasted longer than I thought it would, but it's no fun to see it everywhere. I had lost weight, but I'm wondering how my trip to New Orleans impacted things. I'm avoiding the scale.
  • Boop's smiles and giggles are adorable, and those beautiful blue eyes just twinkle. How can you stand it? Even if she does look like an old man (and burp like one) some times, she's a cute little girl. And she's very wiggly these days. In the middle of the night, when I've eaten too much sugar or caffeine, she's wound up. She wiggles her hole body and says, "Meh-Meh" wiggle, wiggle, "Meh-Meh," over and over. Okay it's cute but a bit exhausting when I'm trying to sleep. When she gets older, I know I'll miss my mid-night party girl. Right now, I'm gearing up for her becoming mobile. Good heavens, the child is hyperactive. I knew it in the womb. Batten down the hatches!

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