Friday, April 6, 2012

Like a Weed. 3-30-12

Big girl batting at the Sun's dangly, rattly bits

Wow! It’s like she’s grown over night. How did she get so big? Last time we were at the pediatrician’s, the nurse said Boop was 21.5 inches. Over the past day or two, I could tell that she’s gotten bigger. When we were rocking in the rocking chair, I couldn’t get her legs situated as easily, and I thought it was my imagination, as it couldn’t happen that fast. I got out the tape measure, and it looks like she is 24 inches. We have an appointment at the pediatrician on Monday for her 2 month well-baby check (we’re a little behind because of the jaundice and the problems with weight gain). I can’t wait to see how she’s doing.

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