Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ebaying. 4-4-12

Well, I've already mentioned my mom's and my addiction to craiglist, but ebay hasn't been one of our haunts. Mom has been on the lookout for wraps for Boop's cloth diapers, but craiglist has been a bit thin. I did see some cloth diapers and covers on craiglist, which Mom got, but it turns out that the covers weren't really what I wanted. So, she happened to go on ebay to look for wraps. And you probably have some sense of where this is going.

She got on ebay and made her first bid on some wraps. There was a lot of 6 wraps; plus other stuff that I don't really need but will use. As far as my excursions on ebay, I previously bought a Kimpossible doll with Aunt D's assistance and then got some concert tickets for Crowded House in Ireland. But on the whole it's a location that we don't frequent, and that's a good thing. Nothing against ebay; we just don't need another place to spend money and accumulate...stuff. And so the wraps. She called me on Sunday and explained that the bidding would close at 6pm on Monday, but she had bunco and would be unable to see the close. I looked at the lot and thought it looked like what we needed. Then, I noticed the date was Tuesday. So by Tuesday, Mom had found the swing on craiglist. Boop has 2 swings that go front-to-back, one large and one small, but Boop didn't have the swing that goes side-to-side, which M at work recommended. We wanted to correct this deficit, as it could somehow harm Boop for life. Mom found one for a good price to be picked up after work, and thus, she would be unable to see the close of bids at 6pm on Tuesday. I looked again at the site: 6pm PST. That's 9pm our time as I reminded her.

After talking for a half hour on Mom's drive home from getting the swing, Mom and I never really made a decision about who would do the final bidding. Maybe it was me. One thing for sure, I did not want to be bidding against her. That's the stuff of sit-coms. I got a call at 8:57pm. "HAVE YOU BID, YET? IT'S ABOUT TO CLOSE!" Meanwhile, Boop, Winnie, and I had fallen asleep about an hour before. Mom was a bit too excited for my addled brain. I reminded her that it would be okay if we didn't get these. "THEY'RE BIDDING HIGHER, YOU DIDN'T BID ENOUGH, YOU'RE GOING TO GET BEAT!!" She was frantic, and my fingers were starting to tremble on the keyboard. I'm thinking to myself: we're getting too wrapped up in this, over 6 diaper wraps. Then, she continued, "Oh no. It's over. We lost. If you had just--" "No we didn't Mom. It says I won, and for a fair bit less than I planned to pay." Okay, I'm a bit smug. I'll be getting an email or phone call about this one--reminding me that she did this to help me, that I did say that I would do the bidding, and that I was sleeping on the job. And if I ask, "Did that summarize it about right, Mom?" she will be even more annoyed with me. 

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