Sunday, October 7, 2012

Clean Bill. 10-4-12

Oh my goodness. Fortunately, I remembered how long it took in Ped Ortho last time. I was looking forward to having this chapter over. I felt pretty confident that Boop would get a clean bill of health from ortho.
Boop dressed for her school photo

I was lucky to get a dog grooming appointment in the morning before the Boop's doctor visit. We got Winnie across town to the groomer at 9am, and Boop's appointment was at 9:45am. So, we headed to the office for a few minutes. I had to walk the hill of the parking lot (we were later, so the lot was pretty full), climb the outside steps up another hill, and then climb the two flights of stairs in the building. This was all accomplished with me carrying 21 lb Boop on my hip, purse, diaper bag, and umbrella stroller. The only thing missing was a large urn balanced precariously atop my head to provide water for a small African village.

We then made our way over to the clinic. And we waited. We completed our insurance information, and we waited. We went for xrays, and we waited. And we waited some more. Then, they took us to the room at 11am, and we waited. The fellow came in and did an assessment, and we waited. Finally, the attending came in and sat down beside her on the table. She listened attentively like they were old friends fishing off the dock, in her pumpkin hat and camo leg warmers. The fellow was cracking up at her. All clear. Good, good. One health issue off the list.

I made a quick pass through for fast food lunch, made a pit stop at the big consignment sale, did a quick run through, grabbed a few things, and then we went on to get Winnie. The road was like a parking lot, but we managed to get Winnie by 12:30pm. Then back through the traffic, traffic, and more traffic. It was already 1pm. I dropped Winnie off at the house, hoping that Boop could get lunch at daycare. Cranky, hungry girl. I don't blame her. We got Boop settled in daycare by 1:30pm. I got back to work, yes I went back to work, before 2pm. It felt like a million years since I was last here.

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