Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 38. 10-10-12

Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 38:
  • Winnie is on the mend. Fewer accidents in the house. I miss the anti-inflammatories that she was on for 3 days. She calmed down so much. She’s back to scratching and picking. We have to follow up weekend after next to see about her kidneys.
  • Boop is maintaining her weight pretty well even though we’ve cut back her formula a bit, and she’s moving more. She’s trying hard to pull herself up and can get most of the way on her own. By Christmas, she’ll be up and about. Watch out Christmas tree!
  • We’re gearing up for Halloween. I’ve got my candy for trick-or-treaters. Boop had some photos made in her zebra costume. Hopefully, I can fix the leg of her Tigger costume for the Halloween party this weekend. Then, there is trick or treating at the student’s week after next.
  • And me, well, if I can just make it through the next 2 weeks… Fortunately, my helper was able to babysit last night so I could prep for class. She’s on call for a few other times over the course of the next 2 weeks as I try to get the grant finished.

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