Sunday, October 21, 2012

Experiencing Fall. 10-14-12

So, after our trip to the play area with S and A and their little boys, I realized it wasn’t far from the rib place that Mom likes. She had requested it, which was a shock. So, we zigzagged the windy road to the restaurant in a nearby town. The place was empty, thankfully, as I am never sure how Boop will act. She did just fine until we about finished eating, and then I had to take her out to nurse her.

Mom hadn’t been to the national park nearby. I was so excited about the prospects of beautiful fall color. She wasn’t enthused about going, but I talked her into it. It was only about 15 min. from the rib place; so it made sense to go then. As we climbed up in altitude, things were still pretty green, which surprised me. However, there was enough change in color to know it was fall. I really don’t like the scenery as much when it is considered ‘peak’ anyway, as there are so many empty trees.

Even though they had predicted rain, the weather was lovely and sunny and just a bit cool. We managed to find a parking space reasonably close to the scenic overlook. I think Mom was really surprised. Well, I don’t think, I know she was surprised because she said, “I’m really surprised.” She enjoyed our time there but was a bit sad that her back and joint issues prevented her from exploring some of the trails. Boop was sleeping most of the time, but perked up and had a look around at the end. She had just been there a few weeks ago; so I wasn’t so concerned about her seeing everything.

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