Thursday, October 18, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 39. 10-18-12

My fave photo from S's farm last weekend
Here’s what’s happening at Boop’s week 39:
  • Winnie has been much better about going outside to the bathroom. She finished her antibiotics. The scratching, biting and licking is still with us. I need to find out what was giving her those 3 days that decreased those behaviors so much. I hope we aren’t dealing with bigger kidney problems. We need to follow up this weekend.
  • Boop’s tooth is really starting show. Her hair looks more blonde, and it’s coming in with loose curls. I love her little cheeks, which is only complemented by her little smiles. Is it wrong of me to enjoy all of the folks who make silly faces and such on our trips through Wally World? An older woman was tooling around in her motorized vehicle and found us in the baby food section. It’s all fine, but you know, there’s always that little fear about the crazies out there. 
  • As far as development, Boop is really starting to get in the groove. When the music starts/someone starts singing, she starts to dance in her seat. She is pulling up a lot and falling a lot <gasp>. Fortunately, no terrible injuries, yet.
  • I will feel much better when my grant is in the hands of the NIH. It is making it's way through the internal routing system, mostly out of my hands. This was a tough one on us. I was fortunate to find babysitters to help me get some work done in the evenings/weekends. I can do small things at home with Boop on my own, but I just can’t manage the more intense stuff. It’s not fair to her, either. So, now, I need to try to get back on track with the house and all of the other work I’ve been putting off. Maybe I’ll be able to sleep and go to the grocery: the luxury! 

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