Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Milk, Milk, Milk. 9-26-12

Last week was a bit of a problem. I kind of hate to rehearse it in a blog, but I guess I will. So, Boop turned 8 months last week, and I was informed that she would have to go up to 6-8 oz of formula at daycare. We were doing so well on 4 oz twice a day. I nurse Boop at the daycare at about 8:30am; then, I come back at lunch and nurse around noon. Those feedings don’t count. She still has to be offered the full amount of formula(6-8 oz). This was the part of her problem when she first started daycare. She was being overfed: spitting up a lot and crying from being miserable. I didn’t want to go back to those days. Boop will eat whether she’s hungry or not.

So the daycare would not take my word for it. They would not allow me to keep her from being fed so much. I had to have a doctor’s note! Apparently, it’s a federal guideline. I don’t know how the school’s get around it. I don’t remember having to have a doctor’s note when I brought my lunch to school. It’s so unfair to nursing mom’s. I couldn’t believe it. Her doctor couldn’t either. She said that she really didn’t need the 4 oz, but I guess I had already made my peace with it.

So, her doctor faxed over a note to the daycare about maxing her at 4 oz. The next day, her teacher said that the note wasn’t adequate. It wasn’t detailed enough. That was incredibly annoying. It’s a shame that they couldn’t have just sent a note that said, “Good Grief! Just do what her mother says! You know that she is nursing the child!” A couple of days later, when I could carve out a few minutes <it’s not like I have nothing else to do, except deal with idiotic policies>, I sent a request to the pediatrician for another note. MERCY! I mean is the fed so anti- breastfeeding?? I doubt it. I wish I had time to pursue this further.

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