Monday, January 9, 2012

Anytime Now. 1-5-12

I’ve been talking to Boop a lot lately. “Anytime you’re ready, Boop, we’ll go back to the hospital.” “Just let me know when you’re ready, Boop.” “Boop, this would be a good day to go.” I would even try to bargain with her a bit, but I don’t know what would be a good bribe for a 37 week old. She’s dropped so far that I’m nervous to go to the bathroom, afraid she’ll just fall out. Sometimes when I go to the bathroom, I feel the urge to push. I don’t need to be birthin’ no babies there.
People are getting a little anxious. Mom wanted Boop to come at Christmas or New Year’s. K got home yesterday and called me. She said, “You know it would be great if she came before classes started.” They start next week. I wonder. I just spoke to Mom again. Someone was going to be able to come and take Mom’s place at work for a little while. So now, even Mom’s boss is anxious for Boop to come.
In the meantime, I’ve been scrambling to get a few more manuscripts out. I need to get them in process now; so I don’t have to try to pick up again and get things going in March. I’ve also been interviewing students. It’s a pretty intense process, and I’ve been scheduled for the afternoons, which is when I’m used to taking a nap. It makes for a long day. Only one more day of interviews. And tomorrow is Friday. I’m definitely ready for the weekend.  I’m dragging physically and emotionally.

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