Monday, January 16, 2012

Stimulation. 1-12-12

Still no baby. “I didn’t think I’d see you!” is the greeting I keep getting when I arrive at work. I respond that I’m just as surprised as they are. I’ve been a bit slow with correspondence, too <I’ve been a bit slow about everything>, and so people guess that I’ve made the trip to Labor and Delivery to do the deed.
People have been brainstorming. How can we increase the likelihood of me going into labor? B at work had suggested raspberry tea. I had some Twinings berry tea with raspberry. It’s 4am, and I’m sipping it. She had also said something about eggplant? I had heard about walking; so I climb stairs and walk around a fair bit at work. I was reading WebMD, and they had found good results with acupuncture (in their small randomized trial, they found that within a few days, 70% of those with acupuncture went into labor, as opposed to 50% in the non-treatment group). Other studies haven't found the same results. There was supposed to be an acupuncturist to come and speak with our yoga group on Monday, but she was ill. I think she is rescheduling for this coming Monday. I’ll be 39 weeks. It might be a good idea to check-in with her. I need to touch base with the midwife when I go next Monday for a visit.
I was having quite a few fairly strong contractions last night. They were pretty solid for an hour. I called and left a message for K when she got through with class just to give her a heads-up. I laid down, and they were letting up. She called to check-in when she got home, but I was feeling better. Disappointing. I would be okay with waiting a while for Boop, but there are a few things that concern me. First, I don’t want Boop to be in distress from all of those contractions. Second, the longer I go, the bigger she will be. They estimated 7lbs by ultrasound, which means she’s probably about 8lbs by now. Ouch! Third, the longer I wait and the bigger she is, the more likely they will need to do a C-section. That means longer recovery time for me, and more importantly, if Boop is wedged in like I think she is, it might be hard to get her out. So, I’m hoping it will happen soon and without a C-section.

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