Saturday, January 14, 2012

Taking Stock at Week 38. 1-12-12

Here’s what’s happening at Week 38:
  • It’s already Thursday, and I don’t see that I have an update for Week 38. Wishful thinking that Boop would be here, I guess. It’s almost 39 weeks; so it seems a bit strange to recap now. I have a visit with the midwife on Monday. I guess I’ll see how things stand, then.
  • The pregnancy websites say that the baby should be less than 7lbs and about 19in long. Well, I think we’ve long past that weight. They estimated that she weighed more than that at Week 37. My guess: she’s a good 8lbs by now. I don’t know how long she is. Her femur length at week 37 was at date.
  • Boop is still moving around. She feels more like she’s rolling these days. I don’t want her to get out of position for birth. However, I suspect that she can’t get enough leverage to give me a good kick. I do see, and feel <ouch>, her pushing out with those little knees and feet.
  • Irritable uterus. I get so tired of having contractions, only for them to pitter out after an hour or two. I’m never really sure of when to go to the hospital. My default has been not to go. At some point, it will be time!

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