Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Let’s Say 7 lbs. 1-3-12

I woke up to a pretty good covering of snow. The roads need to be salted. I’m going to attempt to go to work today, assuming they get the roads cleared. I’ve been up since 3am. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get another hour or two of sleep this morning. Boop was restless this morning, and I had a few contractions last night. Yesterday evening, I had a few pretty strong contractions, and I was starting to see a pattern, only to level off before we hit an hour.  
Can you figure out these photos?
I had a biometric ultrasound to check on Boop after the rough week we had last week. It was a quick one. Boop had her hands in front of her face again and was moving; so we had a hard time getting a profile of her face. Plus, everything was jumbled up at this point in the pregnancy. The ultrasound tech said that Boop looked like a thumb sucker. I thought she might have been trying to get both hands to her mouth. In any event, if she is a thumb sucker to soothe herself, swaddling may not work out so well. Her brain looked good—2 hemispheres, ventricles, with lots of nice grooves already. The big news was her size. I didn’t ask about length. I was mainly interested in how much she weighed. The tech said six fifteen. In my mind, I thought she meant 6.15 lbs, which would be about right for a baby her age. However, when I double checked with the midwife, it was 6lbs 15oz. Let’s just say 7lbs. So my mom and I were about right when we were joking about a 7lb. premie! The midwife said that the accuracy could be  +/- a pound, but based on my abdomen measurements, the midwife didn’t think Boop was 8lbs… yet.
I figured I would attempt Monday night yoga, which is less strenuous than Wednesday night yoga (plus downward dog is a bad pose for this stage of my pregnancy), but it was cancelled. So, I need to figure out another way to get some exercise, I guess. I get plenty of exercise getting the fork to my mouth…

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