Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back on Track. 1-30-12

Today is a better day. Boop is just as lovely as ever and fortunately, a little less yellow and a bit more alert. I called first thing this morning to get an appointment for the pediatrician. I was feeling better about today, but I was waiting for the verdict from the pediatrician. Boop was 7lbs 13oz at birth, but she had weighed 7lbs 6oz during our last 2 visits. Today, she weighed 7lbs 11oz. That’s not up to her birth weight, but she did gain 5oz in 2 days. So that was encouraging. The doctor also liked her color better and didn’t order another bilirubin test. That saved us a trip to the hospital. She also gave us the okay to nurse again. So, I will need to nurse 1st, then supplement with pumped milk (which is hard to work in), and then supplement with formula.  

Also, today was Boop and my first trip out together in the car. She did very well, only whimpering when I 1st clicked her into the seat. Once I got her into the car and got the car started, she was quiet. This bodes well for trips. Hopefully, we will be able to make a trip back home to see the family before the end of my maternity leave.

I put a call in to the lactation specialist at the hospital to let her know that “I fell off the wagon.” I was hoping I would be able to stop by while I was out at the pediatrician, but she wasn’t available. She called me back after lunch, and we are planning to meet tomorrow. She wasn’t too upset about the weekend, but I’m sure she would have preferred a different way besides bottle feeding. It’s a shame that I couldn’t get a supplemental nursing system here in town and that I have to wait for it to arrive through snail mail. She wants me to pump for 5 min. each hour. Hopefully, we’ll get back on track tomorrow.  

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