Saturday, January 21, 2012

Taking Stock at Week 39. 1-16-12

<Catching up on old posts> Here’s what’s happening at Week 39:
Week 39? Week 39? WEEK 39!!! Yes, Boop is still hanging tough. She’s fighting all of those contractions. When I talked to the midwife today, she said that the contractions would feel uncomfortable for Boop, but that she shouldn’t be harmed or be in any sort of distress. She mentioned that we could do a non-stress test next week just to double check. Boop has always done fine with the non-stress test.
Me and Boop, before we left for the hospital on Wednesday
The midwife attempted an exam. Unfortunately, Boop was so low that she couldn’t give me any additional details on how far I’ve progressed. She said that she would just say that not much had changed since my exam 2 weeks ago.
We discussed induction. At 42 weeks, there is an increased risk of stillbirth, as the placenta starts to degrade. She said that next week, we should have a more serious talk. She preferred to use the original date of January 23rd. I really don’t want to have to use Pitocin, and I asked her if I had other options. She gave me a sheet with information about raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil. So, I jumped on that and have already started trying.

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