Thursday, January 5, 2012

Snow Day. 1-3-12

The snow started yesterday, and it took me a bit by surprise. The roads in my neighborhood weren’t salted, and I had to get it off my car this morning. I checked the weather before I left the house, and there was no indication in our local weather forecasts that they were expecting more snow here. It turned out that we did get more snow. More problematic, the wind kept blowing snow over the roads and sidewalks. There was a pretty good drift on the stairs as I was walking to my car from work. Not pleasant for me in my open-backed clogs; wishing I had worn something with a bit more protection.
I was glad to see my friend, G. She called yesterday to tell me that she was heading back to town but was caught in traffic. Unfortunately, when she hit the mountains, the weather took a definite turn for the worse, and the black ice almost left her in an accident. She was surprised to see me at work this morning, but then again, everyone was surprised to see me at work ;) I still haven’t heard from my friend, K, who was planning to come back from the northeast today, but I’ve heard the roads were bad from that direction, too. She had volunteered to help me during delivery. The weather is going to be unpredictable for the next few months, and I’m concerned about Mom trying to make her way here through the mountains. Babies have a knack for picking the most inconvenient time to come, but we’ll be happy to see Boop when she arrives.

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