Saturday, January 28, 2012

Uncertain Future. 1/28/12

I’ve got a bad feeling. I think I know what will happen at the pediatrician visit today. Boop is yellow again, and her “horns” (the pediatrician’s name for the large bumps on the back of Boop’s head) look more swollen.  I was talking to B whose son had bad jaundice (over 20). They admitted him to a children’s hospital, which was much more intense. Honestly, they sounded like Jaundice Nazis with their fanatical requirements that the baby stay under the light constantly, and they measured every drop in and out of the baby. B came over on Thursday and took photos of Boop and I. When I was talking to her by phone on Friday in response to my concerns about jaundice, she noted, “Yeah, I thought she looked pretty yellow last night, but I didn’t want to say anything. I was hoping I was wrong, and I knew you were planning another trip to the doctor, anyways.”

Baby or Tibetan Monk or both?

Big yawn! Hope to have a photo of her stretching soon :)
I have been feeding and feeding and feeding my Boop. Nursing, pumping, supplementing with formula, but all I’ve seen since Thursday is urine. Stools help to remove bilirubin from the body, and we need lots of those. Formula is also supposed to be better for jaundice than breast feeding/breast milk; although breast feeding is definitely better in the long run. Well, I guess I’m covering my bases, but I’m afraid she needs IV fluids and the bili lights. I dread putting her through it again. B was telling me that the children’s hospital provided a reclining chair for the parents and said that her husband wound up staying with their baby. Could be a long, miserable night for both of us. My friend, A, who also took me to labor and delivery, is taking us to the pediatrician today. I guess I will try to repack a bag in case we need to go to the hospital again. I’ve already talked to my helper about staying over with Winnie; so that’s taken care of, should we need it. I hope I’m wrong.

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