Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Best Laid Plans. 1-17-12

<I just found this blog post from the night before delivery. I'm behind on blogging; so I thought I would post.>
I spend a fair bit of time imagining my life after Boop’s arrival, assuming we make it through delivery unscathed. <Well, it could have been worse.> Partly this is to manage immediate concerns: what can I do now to prepare for Boop’s needs? And partly this is to imagine what sorts of things I can do to take care of myself to be in the best frame of mind. I don’t know which is more difficult to anticipate—her needs or mine.
I’ve already had one challenge: I was invited to be a reviewer in another state in February, but I couldn’t figure out a way to get Boop taken care of during the daytime meetings. That’s work, but I’m also wondering about leisure time. Clearly, there will be some trade-offs.  It will be tough to do fun things like go to concerts and such. The last concert I managed was Liam Finn’s at 7 months. <Boop's hearing seems fine, BTW.> I keep wishing I could manage some of his concerts in NYC, but little Boop would likely make an appearance, too. Perhaps that’s what I need to encourage labor? Somehow, I don’t think Dr. Karp would approve.

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