Friday, February 24, 2012

One Month Old. 2-22-12

Mom decided to come on Friday afternoon and Saturday. On Friday, I needed to meet with someone about a grant for about an hour, and Mom was going to babysit. So, I figured I would go home with her that night, which was about 1.5 hrs away. I was so excited to show off my little Boop, even though it was short notice.

That evening, I had Mom pick out the clothes that Boop would wear for her photos. She found an outfit that she liked, and I packed it in the diaper bag. The next morning, I got the diaper bag ready with her bottle. I’m getting better at it. Of course, Boop wanted to nurse before we left; so I took a few extra minutes. We were late picking up my dad’s aunt D (the one who is nearly 90 that is the awesome cook) and my dad’s cousin RA for breakfast. We met S & S at the restaurant. Pre-baby, it was uncharacteristic of me to be late, but now, it’s more of a challenge. Mom and RA held Boop most of the time, with me feeling a little frantic, being so used to handling Boop’s whimpers on my own and not wanting to overwhelm others with taking care of her.
Waiting for photos with Grandma...

We had a nice visit at the restaurant and spent a few extra minutes at RA’s so G could see her, which evolved into another nursing session. S had found a photography special; so we went over there to get some quick photos done. Mom didn’t like the outfit she picked out: glad it wasn’t me who decided  ;) In the end, we liked the pose in just her diaper the best, of course. It was much easier than I expected. We then stopped off to see Mom’s aunt J who was in town, and she just ooo’ed and ah’ed over my little Boop. And then after that, we drove 2 hrs to my aunt S’s and went and got ribs for dinner. She also enjoyed seeing my little girl. I’m amazed Boop held up as well as she did; she was just one month old that day. I know it was tough on her, but I’m glad she got to see so many people.

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