Friday, February 10, 2012

Looking Up. 2-9-12

The cloth diaper fairy came by to give us a booster session. I was relieved that we didn’t need to use the fasteners, as they tended to come off and scratch my Boop. Then, I managed a quiet lunch at the Mexican restaurant. Boop slept right through it, thankfully. Afterwards, the pediatrician visit went well. Boop was 8 lbs. 6 ozs. So, she is right on target. Boop should be gaining 6-7 ozs. per week now. I even noticed that I was leaking a bit, which was a very good sign. I’m still supplementing with formula, but no more than 10 ozs. Her belly button is healing well. The doctor thinks she may be an outie. Her heart seems to be just fine. And of course, the nurses came in to coo over her. I think it must be in the job description.
Boop's belly is getting bigger!

On the way home, we stopped and got batteries for Boop’s swing. I had joked to Mom last weekend that it could be our new babysitter. Unfortunately, as soon as she woke up, I realized the swing wouldn’t work in that capacity. Thankfully, S and S are coming for a visit this weekend. It will be good to see them, and I can sure use the help with Boop. In particular, I’m hoping for a few good naps J I’ve been averaging about 4 hours cumulative sleep over the course of the day and night. Some of that sleep is sitting up. So, I’ve been pretty out of it. Also, with Boop’s belly button doing so well, we may be able to give Boop her first little bath.

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