Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Building Up. 2-6-12

I’m trying to build myself back up. This sinus infection has been rough on my energy level, and I haven’t been doing well with nursing. It’s been rather haphazard. I missed a few days of pumping and just started pumping a bit this afternoon. It was easy enough to eat my milkmakers cookie; so that didn’t falter. I’m also trying to get going on herbal tea to improve my milk supply. A few days ago, I called the local grocery to see if they had the same tea that my friend, M, sent me. They confirmed that they did. So, I had my mom make a run over there, and she couldn’t find it. The one she got is a bit strong on the anise flavoring, and I’m not a big fan of licorice. But I have to admit, the warm liquid feels good on my throat.
I’m definitely feeling better than yesterday and the day before, thank goodness. Aside from supplements, another element to improve nursing is to be able to keep Boop awake and interested in feeding, which is a bit easier since the jaundice is gone. However, the bottle with formula makes it a bit too quick and easy for her to get formula; so it’s harder for her to stay the course with nursing. B, my friend at work who just had a baby, has let me borrow her Nursing Mother’s Companion book, which has been helpful. I was reading something that was interesting—that inadequate removal of the placenta can cause symptoms like infection and delay milk production. Maybe I’ll mention it to the lactation specialist this week when I visit to get her opinion. Otherwise, we’ll just keep plugging along.
Boop snugggling up to my hand

3 Musketeers: Boop, Grandma, and Winnie. Looks like trouble when Boop can walk!

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