Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Taking Stock at 6 Weeks Old. 2-28-12

Here’s what’s happening at 6 weeks old:
Long legs!
  • I’m not sure if we’re getting more sleep (and by we, I mostly mean me), but Boop is a little more predictable. Lately, <knock on wood> we’ve had some success with the swing in the bathroom with the shower going. She generally is able to sleep there after I’ve fed her. So, I’ve managed a few showers. And the Moby has given me a bit more mobility. I’ve gotten a few walks in with the Moby and warmer weather. Winnie is enjoying that part.
  • Boop still has those knots on her head, but they are a bit smaller. She still keeps her thumbs in her fist, but she is more able to wrap fingers and thumb around my finger. I saw her sleeping with all of her fingers and thumb spread out straight a couple of days ago. Her eyes are still blue. Belly button is out. She is smiling more often. Big smiles. I love it.
  • Last week, I was stressed about my 6 weeks maternity leave being nearly over. I spoke with my friend who had been in human resources in another state, and then the HR person at work. I have FMLA until August; so in theory, I could take 12 weeks. Fortunately, my boss approved 2 more weeks. Now I need to focus on getting childcare lined up.

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