Thursday, February 16, 2012

Taking Stock at 4 Weeks Old. 2-16-12

Here’s what’s happening at 4 weeks old (+1 day):
  • Is Boop a month old? Well, I guess that won’t be until a few more days. That’s going to make the weekly reports a little tricky. They won’t coincide with her age in months, which seems to be the way time is measured for babies—different than fetuses (feti??) and embryos. So, I’m not sure if I’ll change the way I do these updates.
  • The swelling on Boop’s noggin is pretty much gone. However, her skull plates are overlapping, which results in some pretty large, bony knots. They don’t seem to bother her though. She’s starting to spread out her fingers a bit, and her thumbs are coming out from under those fingers. Her eyes are still blue. Boop is becoming a bit more—weighty, which is a good thing. She’s also filling out her 3 month clothes pretty well in length, when she stretches her legs out. Like my family used to say of me, “She’s growing like a weed.” J

  • We’re still trying to manage this sinus problem that seems to be hanging on. I’ve finished my antibiotics, but they didn’t seem to phase me. I guess I’ll try to follow up next week. Boop doesn’t need to go back for 3 more weeks, but she seems to be doing better than me. I’ve lost a couple of pounds, but it’s much slower going. I wish I had the chance to do some exercise, but in spite of Boop’s strength, she is still quite floppy and needs to be held constantly.
  • Boop is less likely to wail when I change her diaper. Note: I said less likely, meaning she still can let out some howls when the mood strikes her. She still wails, period. One of her favorites is, “UH-NAY! UH-NAAAAAAYYYYY!!!” which means, “I’M HUNGRY! FEED ME *NOW*!!!” It’s a slight variation on Dunton’s “Neh”. Mom is also very familiar with “Eh, eh, wah” which means “Burp me, please burp me, and I’m going to cry whether or not you do what I want!”

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