Monday, February 6, 2012

The Cavalry. 2-5-12

Yesterday evening found me at the Urgent Care. After nearly a week of fighting this cold, I had enough. The doctor called in a prescription for antibiotics to the pharmacy, which was closed. Thankfully, I was able to arrange for it to be transferred to a different pharmacy, where the pharmacist was anxious to close from being ill himself.
I’m not sure whether the cold is easing, the antibiotics are kicking in, or I got some decent rest, but I’m starting to feel a little better. Boop is resting in her portable crib for the first time in a while. It was such a relief to have Mom here this weekend. I definitely would have needed someone here to help me if she didn’t come. Cramming tissue up my nose to plug it from running incessantly only got me so far! It was nice to be treated to fried pork tenderloin for a change. I wish I could have tasted it a bit better. And Mom also served valiantly on bottle washing duty and bottle feedings. I was able to make a trip to get my hair cut. <This was my first time seeing this beautician, and I must have looked a fright with my white surgical mask on.> Mom also managed a trip to the dog park with Winnie.

Boop napping in Grandma's arms

A view of Boop's Lungs!
Hopefully, Mom won’t get this cold, but I know she loves spending time with her Sweet Pea—who she refuses to call Boop. We both agree that she’s probably the best thing since sliced bread—too cute to beer? I admit that I keep looking at my little Boop and find it hard to believe that she’s mine; although I remember her little blue feet across from me on the exam table and see her little hands are a miniaturized clone of mine. Maybe it will be a bit easier to believe as she chunks up and her porcelain skin starts to brown a bit.

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