Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Reactions. 2-26-12

When I talked to folks about my pregnancy as a single woman, and still as a single mother, I typically have gotten two types of reactions:  “You’re brave” or “You’ll be a good mom.” Typically, the former comes from other women who are single/don’t have children, maybe who haven’t known me as long. It almost seems like there’s a subtext of, ‘you must be out of your mind’ :)
Boop giving her opinion
I’ve gotten the ‘You’ll be a good mom’ response from a mix of mothers. Some, who maybe don’t know me as well, seem to offer it as a pep talk/bit of reassurance. It’s always nice to hear. And then there are the folks that have known me for me a while and who know how much I’ve wanted children. Maybe they know I’ll try really hard at it, and I guess that means something. I’m certainly better than some of the crazy mothers that are on the 5 o’clock news. Other’s opinions are all well and good, but the ultimate decision about whether or not I’m a good mom will be little Boop. And she will no-doubt change her mind about my mothering abilities throughout her life.

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