Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dare. 7-29-12

Mommy's purse...Winnie is watching this unfold.
Dare I say it? We’ve had a good weekend, so far.  Yesterday, I was oh-so-careful to make sure Boop got her naps and food on our schedule: 1-2hr nap before lunch and 1-2 hr nap after lunch, a little doze or two in the evening, and start the bedtime ritual at about 7pm. She was fussy at nap time, but after dozing and fighting, she finally went down at about 10pm and slept until about 2pm.

I think the problem has been that Mom and I have been trying to do errands in the morning when she’s in the best mood. Unfortunately, if she doesn’t get a good first nap, she’s off all day. Anything that interrupts her sleep, like being sick, just makes her that much more unhappy.
Mom told me yesterday to knock on wood, and I did. 

This morning, I was a little nervous about her getting her naps as I had to go to Urgent Care and the grocery. I woke up yesterday morning with a bad rash on my back. Urgent Care also weren’t sure what it is, but they are sending out a sample to see if it’s viral or contagious. I definitely don’t want Boop to have this. They recommended Benadryl cream, but I can’t tell that it’s doing anything. At the moment, Boop’s in her portable crib napping, and doesn’t seem to mind that she was a little late going down for nap. We’ll see as the day goes on. 

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