Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Glutton. 8-24-12

For punishment. I like to believe that I can do all of these things. It all looks so tasty to dig into that I can't help myself. I just picked up another class <gasp>. It's not nearly as intense as my other class, but it will be work, nonetheless. The topic is a good one for me; so not too painful. However, I have a feeling the students will struggle with it, which means they will be frequently at my door. Unfortunately, this is only a small part of my job.

So far, I've been pretty good about leaving work at work, but I don't think this can continue. This morning at 6am, while Boop was still asleep, I managed to get a little writing done. And I've been online a fair bit, trying to put out a few fires at work, with mixed success. Boop complained when I turned on the reading light this morning; so I resorted to the back light of the laptop, which is supposed to be a bad thing for your eyes. I'm also getting to that age where they eyes don't function as well as we would like. I wonder how long it will be until I need glasses.

Boop has been altogether a bit grouchy lately. I don't think it's anything I've done or my stress level. I wonder if she is having more ear problems. She has trouble nursing on her left side and pulls at it a lot. We were just at the pediatrician a week ago, and they said it was fine. I wonder if it is still okay.

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