Sunday, August 19, 2012

Of Olympic Proportions. 8-13-12

I wanted to watch the closing ceremonies of the Olympics. I didn't think it would be a big deal for Boop. I've had to compromise about the TV for my sanity's sake. So, while I am turning off the TV from time to time, I am falling asleep with it on. The spartan/cold-turkey approach was just too much for me, especially with the Olympics on. 
American Gothic in pink?

So, I read most of Pantley's book on the No Cry Sleep Solution this weekend, and I had all of my charts ready on my computer. Boop fell asleep in my lap about 6:30pm but woke when I tried to move her. I put her back down at about 8pm, and I looked over to see her watching the closing ceremonies. Then, she saw me looking at her and just smiled and giggled. Rotten! 
She was singing her own little songs while the music from the Olympics was playing, until John Lennon started to sing Imagine. She was sincerely distressed! And she knew nothing about how Julian was treated... It took me a while to calm her down. 9:45pm I finally got her back to sleep, and I fell asleep about 10:30pm. At midnight, she awoke very upset. So I nursed her, and I nursed her. I walked around with her. I bounced her. I nursed her some more. Changed her diaper. Sang to her. Rocked her. She was rubbing her ear. I gave her some tylenol, nursed and walked and bounced and sang and nursed... Nothing worked. Finally, at 4am, she conked out. Winnie went out to potty, and I went to bed.

I finally got settled in and was asleep about 5am. At 7:30am, I got up and tried to get myself to work. I let her sleep until 8:30am. She was a little dazed when we got to the daycare, and there were several new tiny faces in her classroom. Hopefully, she'll have a better night tonight. My sleep log for Miss Boop for last night will be chaos. Of all nights to have trouble! We're on the look out for an ear infection. 

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