Thursday, August 16, 2012

Taking Stock at Week 30. 8-15-12

Boop at daycare in her pink glittery shoes
from her grandma
Here's what's happening at Boop's Week 30:
  • Boop will be 7 months old this weekend. I feel like we should do something special, as we didn't really do anything for her 6 month birthday. I guess all Boop really wants at this point is to be held and loved on, and there's really not much more of that I could possibly do. My mom will be here; so she will get the typical love and adoration she has grown to expect. So, I'll need to think a bit if there is something special to do.
  • Boop hit a milestone. She rolled from her tummy to her back at daycare. They said when she finally did it, she burst out into tears and started to wail. I hope that she does it again soon!
  • The weather has gotten colder here. My friend K has invited us over tomorrow to swim, but I think the water might be too cold. We've had a few days in the upper 70's, so I'm a bit concerned about it. I guess we'll give it a shot because we are running out of days. Each morning I wonder if her summer outfits will be too cold for little Boop to wear.
  • I had a trip to the dermatologist yesterday. I'm always keeping an eye out. I had a few spots of psoriasis that I hadn't noticed, which is a good thing. If you have to have psoriasis, you know what I mean; the less it itches and such, the better. No suspicious looking moles. I have a few other MD visits at the end of the month.
  • Sleep is still a work in progress. I'm functional, but I would like to be better than that. I'm not doing a great job of logging at night, as directed by Elizabeth Pantley's book. I'm just going to have to have a sheet of paper because it's too much to manage logging on the computer in the middle of the night (waiting for it to start, typing in my password, etc.). She is at least getting a couple of 3 hour stretches of sleep.

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