Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's a party. 8-23-12

We wound up going to a new local Mexican restaurant instead of swimming last week. I ran into a few people I knew while there. One of the folks was the friend from work who got Miss Boop the portable crib. She was there with her husband and little boy. I was thinking that I had met her husband before; I've seen him around work enough. But when he didn't recognize me, I realized I knew him better than he knew me. I waited a few minutes for her to come back, but I decided I would go on back to my table. She arrived a little later and invited Boop and I to her son's 1st birthday this weekend.
Her cheeks look like photos of my dad as a tot.
Instead of gifts, they requested school supplies for the local shelter. I know he's only 1, but it feels a little awkward getting shelter supplies in his name. I would like to do something special for the little fella for his first birthday, but I'm short on creativity (no sleep) and time. I still need to get out at some point to get those supplies. Maybe my helper will come on Saturday morning.  

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