Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Taking Stock at Week 28. 8-1-12

Helping me do laundry, sort of
<if unfolding is helping>
Here's what's happening at Boop's week 28:
  • Boop is very vocal. She's quite the singer and dancer. She's almost got the head bop and rock down--but the concept that she should be bopping along to music isn't quite there yet. 
  • I still have my yucky rash, still waiting to hear back from the urgent care center about whether or not it is viral. All I know is that it itches like crazy, and I'm wanting to take some steroids.
  • So far, Boop is eating peas, carrots, and green beans, along with her rice cereal. She LOVES it. There's no need to force her to eat. We'll probably try to add squash or sweet potatoes this week.
  • She's started sitting up in the bath, and Boop would say that it was the funnest thing ever! Unfortunately, she can't kick her feet, but she can sure splash well with her hands.
  • I can't completely blame Boop and Winnie for my lack of sleep these days. I'm watching the Olympics entirely too much and fall asleep with it on.  

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