Monday, August 6, 2012

De la Sierra Appalachia. 8-6-12

In my desperation to get Boop to settle down and/or sleep, as well as amuse myself, I make up all sorts of little songs. I frequently resort to Cielito Lindo, with a few lyrics I modify. For example, ojitos azules for Boop's blue eyes and Sierra Appalachia for the closest mountain range to us. However, there are some lyrics that still ring true: !Ahy-yahy-yahy-yahy, canta y no llores! !Porque cantando, se alegran! <that's the best I can do with exclamation points at the beginning. I love that Spanish has those punctuation marks at the beginning of sentences to tell you how to read a sentence>Which roughly translated means 'sing and don't cry! Because when you're singing, you're happy!' I have wanted Boop to be happier.

This photo screams for a bad pun about putting your foot in your mouth!
And before Boop started to daycare, I would catch her singing 'ahy-yahy-yahy-yahy'. Mom thought she heard it too. However, it seems like she may have lost it now. But, Mom still sings that part to her. Boop loves anything we sing to her. I bet she will pick it up again soon. And if she can learn some Spanish or French in route, all the better!  


  1. I used to sing Alouette to Marcus.....of course that's a song about plucking a bird :) I always thought it was funny that Target used it as a song for their commercial!

  2. We sing Alouette, too! Only I don't remember all of the anatomical parts in French; so we pluck and pluck those feathers off of the bird's head ;)
