Thursday, August 30, 2012

Explosive. 8-26-12

Boop looking very tired and trying to amuse herself in the ER.
Friday evening at 8:30pm, I was debating. She was still fussy and pulling at her ear. I figured I’d take her to the walk-in clinic again on Saturday. Last weekend, when Mom was here, we took Boop, and they said her ears were fine. I was talking to my mom about a run down of the plan. About that time, I felt of Boop. She was pretty warm. I thought I’d try the ear thermometer. 98.6 degrees. Strange. She’s usually around 97. I tried again. 99.5. Wow! Again, 99.1. Hm. The ear thermometers tend to read low. The chart said 99.6 was a fever on this type of thermometer. The 99.5 was too close for comfort. Walk-ins at her pediatricians ended 1.5 hours ago, and Urgent Care closed a half hour ago.

I was thinking I had better go to the ER to be safe. As I was getting up, Boop vomited and vomited all over everything. I tried to get us in the shower to at least get the worst of it off. Boop was screaming, screaming, screaming! We checked into the ER a little after 9pm. 103 degrees when the nurse took her temp rectally! Yikes! We waited until 11:30pm to go back.
The resident was an ENT; so he was all over her ear. Right ear was fine, which I figured. He couldn’t see the left due to wax. So he spent a couple of hours trying to get a good visual. 

Finally, I had to ask for the attending, and the attending said it was a little red. He wanted to a chest x-ray for pneumonia, which I declined. I kept pressing for the urine culture. Yep, UTI. At 2am, the attending said he wanted to admit her to the peds unit, and at 4am, we were making our way upstairs. We got settled about 5am, and finally, we could get  some sleep! 


  1. Poor baby! Hope she's better soon.

  2. Thanks. It was 5 long days in the hospital, but she seems to be doing much better!
