Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop's Week 29. 8-8-12

Photo of Boop while waiting on the photographer.

Here's what's happening at Boop's week 29:
  • She's been happier these past few weeks, thank goodness. But when she doesn't get her sleep, she's a bit of a bear. 
  • She's still not crazy about belly time. Well, that's a bit of an understatement. Some other friends had noted that when their babies learned to roll over, they were much better about belly time. The pediatrician didn't seem so concerned. She told me to get a roller. Unfortunately, they didn't have one around here; so I had to order one from the Internet. The pediatrician said that she will be crawling in no time with it, that she just needs to strengthen her core muscles.
  • Boop was over 6 months for her well-baby visit. She scored around the 75th percentile for everything. She's long and wide. And I think she has a lot of depth, too :) <I saw a tweet recently from Liam Finn about being called 1 dimensional. Ouch! That's even worse than being called two dimensional! Well, if you had to be 1 dimension, which would you be? Hint: Pick the 5th--Even if you go your separate ways, you still might have a chance to sing with the Solid Gold dancers! "There's a song that unreelin', to fit that way that I'm feelin'. My head keeps spinnin' to music, spinning to GOLD.">
  • Sleep is variable, but we are starting to get into a night time routine. It's more likely now that I can get her to bed between 8-9pm, she'll sleep 3-4 hrs in her portable crib, wake for 1-2 hrs, go back down in her portable crib for 3-4 hrs. Then I usually bring her back to bed with me for an hour or two. I'm usually able to get about 5 hrs of sleep, which is an improvement. Baby steps.

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