Saturday, August 4, 2012

What child is this? 8-4-12

I had been telling my mom, but I don’t think she realized the change until she saw it for herself. <Knock on wood.> Boop’s a different child. <Knock on wood.> She’s been in a fairly good mood. <Throwing salt over my shoulder.>  She hasn’t cried as much. <Avoiding cracks in the sidewalk.> I just hope it continues. It makes life easier when she’s feeling better.
She acts like she's ready to eat on her own, but I don't think I am!
I’ve made a lot of changes. I’ve given up caffeine. No sweet teas from McDonald’s. No chocolate. I’ve tried to avoid cruciferous veggies and onions. I’ve tried to boost my milk supply. I’ve tried her on different foods. I’ve continued to try to address her various ailments. And probably most importantly, I’ve been trying to make sure she gets those naps! She’s been doing better. Of course, she was a bit fussier today. We couldn’t get a good morning nap in, and we felt it. However, it hasn’t been near as bad as before.   


  1. Those sweet teas are hard to give up!! Nap schedules made a tremendous difference.

  2. She's had so many things keeping her from sleeping. I had no idea what a difference it made!
