Monday, March 5, 2012

Get Ready. 3-4-12

I was happy to get an invite to a new moms’ social from the person that does Boop’s cloth diapers. I emailed to double check if it was okay to bring Boop, and it was a go. Friday, I spent the day strategizing about how we would get ready. H, a friend from work, also was going to the social; so I knew there would be another friendly face.

Boop is quieter first thing in the morning; so after we had breakfast, I turned on the shower and got her strapped into the swing. Then, after getting cleaned up, I tried to get a few things done around the house, punctuated by feedings and diaper changes. A couple of hours before we needed to leave, I figured I’d go ahead  and change out of my sweats and that we’d wear our matching sweater and outfit from Hanna Andersson. Generally, I try to wait until closer to time in case we should have a mishap, but she’s done so well. She rarely spits up or has blowouts.
How I manage a shower

You’ve probably figured out how this story ends, as it involves me. I dressed us both and sat Boop back in the swing so I could finish getting ready. I came back to her and saw spit-up on her outfit! Fortunately, it wasn’t too much, and I could wipe it off. Just as a precaution, I glanced in the mirror, and there it was on my sweater, urgh. As I wiped, I realized it was just the tip of the iceberg; when I looked up, there was a huge glob in my hair. Unfortunately, that was not easy to get out, and I had to wash my hair out in the sink multiple times. My hair still felt like straw. I’ve always said that formula is awful. It was worse than glue.

On the bright side, the quick trip for a hostess gift and the social went much better. I met a few nice folks—or rather, got to know a couple of the yoga moms a bit better, and I felt a little less alone in the trials of having a newborn. But, the others had more success breastfeeding; I was the only one with formula caked in my hair.

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