Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sleep: Bloop-bloop, Bleep-bleep. 3-16-12

When you’re a new Mom, it’s all about sleep. Everyone knows you don’t get enough sleep. Everyone knows it’s a very relevant question. Most people ask about it. It’s certainly on my mind a lot. We have our good days and our bad days. When it’s bad, she wants to nurse constantly, punctuated by cries of a wet diaper. The worst is when I’m trying to change her in the middle of the night on the futon, and she pees on me and the futon. Whereas boys are a little more fountain’esque, Boop’s accidents are more likely to slide behind her back, insidious.

My memory is terrible these days with lack of sleep. Names are lost on me, and I’m meeting so many new people. I’ve forgotten my keys and, perhaps even more annoying, forgotten that I had spare keys. I’ve forgotten appointments, and I’m always walking into a room, only to forget what I went after. And there are notes and lists everywhere. I had such trouble keeping up with the notes that I wrote on post-its, envelopes, and other bits of scrap paper, that I’ve had to keep my notes on the computer. The only problem comes about when I need the list on my computer while I’m at the store.
Sleep #6, on her way to her crib

I know this gets better. And one decent night’s sleep makes me feel much more human. As she gets older, I’ll get more sleep. Seeing her sleeping is so nice, not just because she’s cute.

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