Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Milk Mafia? 3-11-12

My friend, M, had suggested I get hooked in with the local La Leche League, as they had been a good resource for her. I had heard that they could be a bit anti-pacifiers, anti-bottles, and even a bit hard on moms who work outside the home. It made me a bit hesitant about going. There’s no getting around it: Boop has to use a bottle.

One of the new moms was producing too much milk, and other mothers were identifying with that problem.  Later, I said that I didn’t produce enough and asked for help. No one really had that problem, but they pulled out their book and asked if I had tried: pumping? Yes. Dual pumping? Yes. Pumping through the 2nd let down? I don’t know. <Turned out I had.> What kind do you have? Madela. Have you tried a supplemental nursing system? Yes.  Switching? Yes. Oatmeal. Yes. Warm compresses? No. They went through several things. I pretty much had tried them all. Shoot. They were flummoxed.

It was a large group, and one of the leaders commented on their good turn out. They were friendly enough and invited me to join them for lunch in the next town. Only one person seemed a tad judgmental, but maybe she was just having a bad day. My inclination was not to go to lunch, but I decided it would be good for us. So we sat out in the rain and Boop did alright. I’ve gotten used to eating with one hand, and we had a nice visit. One of the ladies was from my hometown. Although work will make the daytime meetings difficult, I may be able to manage the evening ones.   

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