Friday, March 9, 2012

Taking Care of Boop. 3-8-12

Yesterday was hectic. I‘m trying to get us on track for my return to work. The first thing on my agenda was a visit to the daycare I want Boop to attend. The facilities were as nice as I expected, but it was very hard. Boop wants to be held, but the ratio of adults to infants in each class is 2:8. So, it’s unlikely that she would get a lot of cuddling time. That wasn’t easy for me to think about. Fortunately, I was able to maintain my composure. It didn’t help that I had been up since 2am working on a grant review. I kind of walked through in a daze. They asked if I had any questions, but I was too muddled to come up with much. We signed up for drop-in service, in case one of the regulars was on vacation or didn’t attend for some other reason. When I spoke with the classroom attendant, she was doubtful that she would have any availability for drop in, but she was telling me about some of her little ones that would be graduating in March. I’m thinking we’ll get in sometime this summer. At 6 months, she’ll be more interactive and perhaps have less need to be constantly held.

Boop's bassinet has become a frequently-used changing table  

Next was the pediatrician. Well, it was a good report—maybe a little too good. Boop has gained weight! And gained weight she has. The nurse and pediatrician were pleased. She was right at the 50th percentile for weight (10.5 lbs). Of course, her height was between the 10th-25th percentile (21.5 in). In other words, she’s a bit short for her weight. A little chunk! Now, I can cut down on her formula, as my milk supply must be picking up a bit. The pediatrician suggested fenugreek pills to up my milk supply. The knots on her head are calming down, and she’s becoming a bit more well-rounded. No thrush. She received her second Hep B vaccine, and we planned for Boop’s other vaccines at the next visit.

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