Thursday, March 22, 2012

Taking Stock at 9 Weeks Old. 3-21-12

Here’s what’s happening at 9 Weeks Old:
Sleeping Cutie #4
  • Folks have been saying she is going to have blue eyes. I’m starting to see teal edges. Maybe it’s my imagination. Her hair isn’t growing much in the front, but it’s getting a bit longer in the back. She’s been spitting up more and blowing bubbles/drooling. She may be having reflux or tummy troubles. It’s on my list for the next pediatrician visit.
  • She’s just about grown out of her 0-3 month clothes; the footed onesies are a bit short. Thankfully, she’s managed to wear all of her colder weather clothes at least once. It’s warm enough now that she will get to wear some of the 0-3 month summer clothes.
  • Lately, I’ve been catching myself thinking, ‘Is she really doing x<insert activity here>?’ It turns out that ‘Uh-Nay’ usually means wet diaper, but there’s a related word I’m hearing, ‘Meh.’ One time, she was laying on the bed crying, she looked up me and said, “MeMeh.” I swept her up in my arms. From what I can tell, it either means milk or Mommy or, most likely, both. She’s starting to say, ‘Owah’ more, for ‘I’m sleepy.’ Then, once I thought I saw her reaching out with very jerky movements. Later, she was in her swing, and she reached for the tie on my robe. I’m seeing her reach for things more and more now.
  • I don’t really feel like she’s my baby, yet. I mean, there is really no question that she’s mine. And she’s the best thing since sliced bread. But it just doesn’t seem like she should be mine, I guess, or that someone will take her away. I can’t say I’ve really had post-partum depression, yet. With the craziness of that week in the hospital, I was feeling quite moody. I got a script for some meds just in case, but I’m not using them.   

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