Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Taking Stock at 10 Weeks Old. 3-28-12

Look away!

Here’s what’s happening at 10 Weeks Old:
  • I plan to take Miss Boop to the pediatrician next week. I need to schedule an appointment. I’d like to get to the bottom of the diaper issue. It’s so strange how miserable she is. Granted, she could just be a bit spoiled and dramatic, but I want to do what I can to figure out the cause, especially if it can be prevented. I’m hearing folks say good things about coconut oil; so I ordered some. Just in case Boop has a bit of diaper rash or something along those lines, the oil will help it go away. The oil should arrive on Friday, which gives me a little time to see if it helps her before her doctor’s appointment.
  • We’re still working on milk. I’ve been taking the Reglan, which I can’t tell much about. I definitely noticed a boost with the cookies and the fenugreek. The cookies have brewer’s yeast in them, which may be the thing I’m allergic to. However, I’m doing better with my allergies than I was a month ago.
  • I survived another birthday. Forty is getting closer and closer. It’s hard to believe that my father had advanced cancer at this age. My colonoscopy is scheduled for this summer. I’ll be glad to have it over with and have it out of the way for a few years.
  • I haven’t noticed Boop having as much trouble now that I’m watching what I eat. Of course, she still throws fits; it just seems to be about other things. I gave her a bottle of formula at dinner last night, and she spat it all up. Fortunately, she seems to be doing better on my milk.

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