Saturday, March 10, 2012

CLC. 3-9-12

So Wednesday, after the pediatrician appointment, I figured I would see the lactation specialist at the hospital. I try to get as much running done in one trip as possible, to minimize the number of times Boop has to get in and out of her car seat. I had emailed the lactation specialist about coming on Monday or Wednesday, and she had suggested Wednesday. There was some mention of another person coming. I didn’t read the email as thoroughly as I should have, as she had said to let her know when I would be coming; so she was discombobulated when I showed up there. She recovered fairly quickly, is pretty laid back in general, and had us get situated into a room.
My little chunk in my great grandma's old wig box where I keep my  hats
Having fed Boop about 2 hours before, I wasn’t sure how it would go, but Boop was plenty hungry. I did one switch, and she had transferred an ounce. Boop woke up and seemed hungry; so I went ahead and fed her again. All in all 1.4 ounces. That would be terrible for most people, but that was an improvement for me. Then, we strategized a bit about options. The first thing she said is that she was glad I was sticking with it and admitted that when she didn’t see me, she just assumed I had completely given up on breast feeding and just used formula by bottle. Then, she suggested that I ease into the fenugreek. She also suggested goat’s rue as a possibility and was telling me about galactgogues. As far as other potential physical problems, she suggested that I talk to the midwife, which I would be seeing later the afternoon. We were also hopeful that I might get some advice at the breastfeeding group that I would be seeing on Thursday.  Hopefully, I’ll have some milk to send with Boop for daycare.

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