Saturday, March 17, 2012

Take Good Care of My Bay-ee-ay-Be. 3-15-12

Went through my mental checklist. Planned for every contingency I could think of. Tried to get the bottles clean and ready. Got the formula and made sure I had a frozen pack for the breast milk. Extra clothes in case <because she will> she spits up or makes a mess with her bottle. Socks and sweater in case she gets cold. Bib and a couple of blankets, too. Diapers, diapers: cloth and disposable. Baby wipes. Pump and pump supplies clean and ready to take to work. Baby photos to give away. Fenugreek supplements. Exhausted before I even started the day. Good: not much traffic past the school. 20 minutes. I made good time.
Boop back home after her first day of daycare
There were already 3 little toddlers up and about, and one toddler still in bed. Thankfully, Boop was still sleepy from the drive. I showed L, the sitter, all of the things in my bag and made sure Boop was situated. It was a little after 9am. I just didn’t want to think too much about leaving her with, essentially, a stranger for the first time. I tried not to torment myself with all of the things that could happen. I focused on the trip back across town in the stop and go traffic. I went through my mental checklist of things to do at work. Too much to do. Good: I won’t have time to think. By the time 12:30pm rolled around, I thought it would be okay to call L. And I did. She was fine. Of course, she had cried. But L explained the things she did to soothe Boop.

Time to pump. I knew it wouldn’t be much, but it’s something. Mom called just as I started. I waited until I was feeling more settled and called her back. She was anxious and brought up more stuff for me to obsess over. After finishing with our call, I started trying to get back into a manuscript I had worked on before leave. I was almost out of time and tried to manage another quick pumping session. I wound up leaving later than I wanted. L needed to leave at 3:15, and I barely made it. Boop was waiting in her car seat and not happy; otherwise, she seemed unscathed. I just wanted to get us home. 

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