Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weight, Wait (don't tell me). 3-15-12

I had no idea of how much weight I would gain during pregnancy. With the hyperemesis gravidarum, I should have lost a lot weight, but I was so determined to eat and gain weight in spite of being sick. Forcing myself to eat was a little hard to turn off. I kept on track with weight gain while sick, but when the HG went away at 6 months, I really started putting on the weight. Feeling so out of it, I wasn’t doing any exercise on top of it all. I gained 50 lbs!

So, that first week or two out after delivery, the weight really started to come off. Fortunately, I lost 25 lbs. I had hoped that breast feeding would help me lose weight, but I’m not doing well in that area. I’m producing little milk, and I’m afraid to restrict any calories because I don’t want to jeopardize what little milk I produce.
Sleeping Beauty #1

That leaves exercise. Along with yoga, I’ve been making efforts to walk more. Some of the yoga moms and I have been taking a walk with our little ones before yoga. Boop and I also walked to the grocery store today. I got a bit more of a work out than initially planned as I picked up a few more things at the grocery than were on my list. Added weight training! Plus, as I get more sleep and Boop doesn’t need constant undivided attention, I can start back with my Wii. My primary care doctor tells me to give it a year, and G, another new mother at work, said she was able to lose weight when she came back to work. It will be nice if Boop can get into the local daycare that I like, and then I can get lots of walking in.  

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