Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Arm and Hand. 7-28-12

I try to get Boop to sleep in her portable crib as much as possible. However when Boop is lying in bed, she likes to sleep like a referee with her arms out to her side and bent upwards at the elbows. She sleeps in the middle of the bed, and I sleep against the wall. The little futon isn’t very far off the ground; so if she should roll, she won’t go far.
Zebra hi-tops I bought Boop when I was pregnant.
I haven’t had to worry too much about Boop rolling though. She still struggles to roll over. Or at least that’s what I thought. In daycare, they put her to sleep on her side in the crib, and I guess that’s the way she prefers to sleep. I woke up one night to find her sleeping on her side away from me with her arms in front. I thought it was a fluke until I saw her doing it another night. So it looks like I need a new game plan with sleeping arrangements. I wonder when she’ll start to do other things like roll onto and off of her tummy.

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