Saturday, July 16, 2011

12 Weeks 4 Days. 7-16-11

I'm breaking protocol and jumping ahead and planning to post this soon. I was so nervous about my first trimester screening, I could hardly sleep. I hadn't seen Boop for a couple of weeks and not under the best circumstances, a very perturbed little critter. It couldn't have been more different today. Boop was laying on his/her back, taking life in. Yes, Boop was still busy. Little arms and legs were moving around. One minute Boop with legs crossed, the next minute about to suck the thumb (photo), the next minute stretching (photo). Normal heart rythm, normal nuchal translucency, nasal bone present, normal well-attached placenta in the right location. Good, good, good, and WHEW good! All very good signs. Poor sonographer, she was trying to get some good photos of me. She almost caught Boop's legs crossed Indian style, like a little frog.
Speaking of legs crossed, the high risk OB caught me. "Don't cross your legs." Oh no, please no. I gave up caffeine, lunch meat, raw sushi, wash my raw fruit in soap and water, have suffered through morning sickness, taking crappy meds, bad spotting, all the various body changes, but you want me to give up CROSSING MY LEGS!! Miserable. How do you stop crossing your legs? That's the only way I know I how to sit. I tried crossing my legs at the ankles, but it's so uncomfortable. Anyone have any ideas?
Thank goodness, all seems to be well with my little Boop. And I'm beginning to be able to manage my morning sickness with only Unisom, B6, and lots of fruit juice/sports drinks now and haven't had a Zofran in about 4 days! So, this is what morning sickness feels like. I learned today that taco meat is out for a few more weeks; I was a little too ambitious yesterday... I'm still waiting on the results of my PappA, and I'll have my AFP in a few weeks. The high risk OB said for me to stay on the progesterone. And the resident convinced me to go to a midwife instead of an OB. Actually, I had been hearing quite a bit about this on the SMC listserve; many folks had great things to say about midwives. I'm hesitant, but it seems better than some of the other options. We'll see. Might as well try it.

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