Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Enough is Enough. 7-22-11

Well, I have had enough of the prenatal care at the university. Let's recap. July 1, high risk OB visit, I left a urine sample. As you may recall, I went to the ER later that evening and gave a urine sample. Those ER urine test results are in my chart. The ER found that I had a UTI. What happened to that sample I left at my high risk OB appointment? 
It's really tough to get blood from me. So, the ER nurse drew blood on July 1 for my blood work. She managed to get 2 vials. We waited an hour for the results. The resident checked in about 45 minutes later: "We're still waiting for some of your test results." A half an hour later, the nurse draws more blood. They lost one of the vials. I would have to wait another hour on the test results.
So, Level 2 ultrasound on July 15th. Everything is normal. The resident orders the PappA, to be done at the time of the ultrasound, and then she orders the AFP for week 16. I went to the phlebotomist. I explain there are 2 orders, and I need PappA now. Of course, she has a hard time with the blood draw. On July 20th, FIVE days later, I get a chart email message saying that I have been scheduled for a level 2 ultrasound <See 7-20-11 post>. Wrong blood test. I'm STILL waiting for those results.
So, I talk to the nurse. I ask why I'm not going to see the midwife until week 16, "Can I get in sooner?" She said, that was the next exam point. "But," I say, "I haven't had a pap or all of my prenatal testing." She starts saying that I really don't need a Pap if I've been keeping up with them. I said, "No, I'm due." She asks me to wait and then she orders the test result and says to wait until week 16 for the Pap?? Mind you, these were suppose to be done at 8 weeks!!
Then, I'm thinking, Wait. I had asked them at the July 15th appointment to double check that the UTI is gone. I left a urine sample. I looked back through my electronic chart. Where are they? I email the office. A few hours later, I get an email back. 'We don't have it. You'll have to leave another.' It's hard to believe. No wonder this state is in such bad shape.

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