Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm on the Run. 7-9-11

I got pulled over by a nice cop yesterday afternoon. I don't know if he could tell that I was pregnant. I wonder if he remembers me from the hit and run bump last fall? He reassured me that he didn't think he would give me a ticket that he just needed to run my license to check if there were any outstanding violations. That was a relief. My license plate was expired, I still had my license from Ohio, and I didn't have a state car inspection sticker. Man, he could've shipped me off. So, I'm not really wanting to be out on the road much. All I need is to be pulled over again. I guess I'll make a trip to the BMV on Monday morning.
The only problem is, that my birth certificate and passport are somewhere? But not in the place that I thought they were. And I need those to get a license.  So, until I can find one of them, I'm going to need to lay low. I will have to make shopping trips very brief. Otherwise, it'll be pregnant woman in the pokey!
It will be serious self-restraint while shopping to see baby stuff and not want to get something for Boop. But I keep trying to remind myself what a hard time I'm having and that I just need to focus on us getting through the day, not to think about baby clothes and gadgets. I don't even know the gender, yet. I think it's not too soon to be looking at bigger clothes for me, though. Let's face it, my undies are groaning a bit! Sorry to be so graphic, but these situations are becoming increasingly apparent. Speaking of which, it's not even 10am, and Boop is already thinking of a roast beef sandwich! I will admit that little bowl of Cheerios at 7am is wearing off. Maybe I'll mix up a few biscuits, cause that's what I want!

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