Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Post-high Risk OB Visit 7-1-11

Well. There's good news and not-so-good news. Good news: the OB and Resident were not concerned about the spotting <This wasn't the final verdict: more on that later>. Not-so-good news: I don't have any additional information. I still don't feel comfortable telling people because I don't know how viable the pregnancy is. There is still a good chance at my age that there could be a chromosomal problem. And actually, the visit left me more perplexed than I already was.
The high risk OB didn't really think it was worthwhile to follow me. He thought that things were pretty normal, which I should accept as good news. So, now I need to find an OB. I spent most of my time talking to the Resident, picking her brain. I have 3 options:
Option 1: OB resident clinic. The resident clinic is overseen by an attending (faculty MD). Some challenges here. I went to the family medicine resident clinic, and the resident treated me like I was lying to her. Very uncomfortable. I'm not sure how different the OB resident clinic would be. Also, there is no guarantee of getting the resident each time. Neither the resident nor patient have much control. Further, there is the issue of working with someone less experienced. I want to feel confident in my MD's ability. The attending can usually catch things, but what if the OB turns out to be the GYN I had that was so highly-strung? 
Option 2: OB at teaching hospital where I saw the high risk OB. I would have the continuity of care of having a single OB throughout the pregnancy. However, delivery would still be the same: lots of OB residents and an OB that is the luck of the draw. Again, I could wind up with the GYN that would make me nervous.
Option 3: Move to a GYN at the nearby hospital. I would get more one-on-one attention. I would have to leave campus to drive to apts. No residents and MDs would likely be more experienced. I would probably not have my choice of MDs at delivery, either. But, I guess I should check with them about delivery. The facilities are a little nicer.
We scheduled my prenatal testing in 2 weeks. It's wearing on me, trying to keep hyperemesis gravidarum under wraps. I have so little energy, and it's hard for me to stick out the work day. I've only told one person at work. There are 3 pregnant ladies at work now, and I bet they would have recommendations. I guess I should talk to one of them to get their take on things.

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