Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ER, Take 2. 7-4-11

The nurse just came in and said they would need to re-run the blood tests. Another pelvic exam <cringe>. A holiday stuck in the ER. At least I got a break for the weekend to take a quick trip to KY. Another HCG to confirm Boop is growing. Man, Boop is BIG. I'm already showing at 11 weeks. No, it's really not twins! I wonder if Boop has an overgrowth syndrome. More likely just big like many others in the family. I have several cousins who were born in the 10-13 lb. range. It just hurts to think about. Let's just focus on a healthy baby, healthy baby. If it has a huge head, it will be painful, but hopefully full of brain and brain potential.
So, what will I learn tonight? I'm much too nonchalant. But the truth is that I'll know nothing new. I still won't know why I'm bleeding. Poor Boop. It's not for the fact that your momma didn't try. And I'm sorry about the pelvics, which I know piss you off. And I'm sorry for all of the ultrasounds that put your private little world on display. Sins of omission vs. sins of commission. Which is worse? My intentions are good. I'm trying hard not to lose you. I called the nurse before coming to the ER who basically said it didn't make much sense to come in unless there was a lot of blood--so we don't bleed to death--or unless I was passing tissue--which would clearly mean that I had a miscarriage. I called Mom to let her know I got home and mentioned the blood, she told me to go to the ER.
Amazingly enough, they took me right back in the ER. However, I still waited forever. This resident was struggling. I think it was his 1st week, as the new residents start July 1. This poor guy looked like he had just walked into a war zone unarmed. He took notes in a notebook. He was really trying, but admitted that he really didn't know what he was doing. At least, he was honest. The nurse was nice enough at first, but then he needed to draw blood. I warned him that I was a hard stick and don't like diggers. He tried 2 different times, and I asked him if he could find someone else. He lost his temper on the way out, and slung his rubber glove in another room. The next woman that came quickly found one on the other side of my wrist and got an IV in just fine. Very painful, but it was in.
So, the resident needed help from a more advanced resident on how to use the ultrasound. I talked them out of the pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound. I knew the resident would be doing it, and I would just be a guinea pig. About an hour later, the attending came in. He told me that the bleeding was not a good sign. He said that my HCG had dropped. That really upset me. Later, I asked the resident if there was any kind of intervention, and he seemed pretty helpless. About an hour later, in walks my high risk OB! with blood shot eyes and a resident in tow. I was shocked and was a bit discombobulated. Something about a placental tear. He put me on progesterone due to my age. I was happy to have something. It was something. At least I felt like I was doing something.

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