Saturday, July 23, 2011

Free Tibet. 7-14-11

I've had a few pretty good days. Thanks to meds, I haven't gotten really sick in a few days. I haven't had any spotting. And this morning I went for a very brief walk. But I was on a mission: I was delivering little notes to my immediate neighbors.
A little background: A chair was moved from under my awning, and now the paint is peeling. Some mats were moved in front of my house, and I poked a hole in the bottom of my foot through to the side on Derby day. Two of my fence posts were broken (probably not related). I came home from 4th of July, and some shutters had been moved. So, I typed up a note for my neighbors to alert them to these facts and to ask their help for keeping an eye on things; although I have a few strong, suspects. This morning as I was delivering them, I saw that some large, lightweight pots had been moved to the side of the house. Without thinking, I grabbed one of them to move it. It was full of water, and before it registered what I was doing, I had moved it a few feet. URGH! I am so kicking myself! I'm not feeling so hot now, after starting to feel better.
These suspects are clearly detrimental to my health. I'm a little tight on cash, but a 6 ft fence would be an obvious choice. I'm also thinking that a video camera would be helpful to document activities. Another option is putting up some of those bright orange 'no trespassing' signs. Most obnoxious, I was thinking about hanging a large (like 2 stories or a sheet) "Free Tibet" sign on the side of my house <I mean no offense, Chinese friends! or Tibetan folks, for that matter>.

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